
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sephora by OPI: Caliente Coral

Ack.  Where did the weekend go?  I'm pretty sure I didn't get enough rest or weekend hours... did someone just fast forward time when I was sleeping?  If you did- rewind it back!  Anyway, I've been meaning to post this all weekend. >.<  Ah it's so hard trying to post every day now.  I have two weeks till finals which means a boatload of projects and essays are all due this and next week before exam week.  On top of that I need to edit/ send out to a publisher a campus cultural guide book with another student by the end of April.  That's two people updating/ editing a book. >.<   And I still need to look for 8-12 sources for my upcoming humongous research essay. T_T  Why....?????  Okay, I'm done complaining- but if I don't post much, just know that^ is the reason I'm MIA.

On to the pictures...

Caliente Coral is a bright (but not neon) orange creme that leans towards coral in certain lights.  It is a teeny tiny bit streaky, but nothing a second coat won't get rid of.  Otherwise formula is superb and drying time is good too.  I love wearing this color in the summer and I think it's super flattering on me.  Sorry about messy application and bad pictures.  :/  I didn't have time to clean-up and wanted to get some quick snaps in while the sun was still out.

I'm actually behind again because I change my nails every day but haven't been posting every day.  I want to show you the mani I'm wearing right now, but alas I must get some more work done before I hit the sack.  I might just be keeping it short and posting pictures for the next three weeks at least, so keep checking back.  ^^



  1. Ugh, I know what you mean about school really kicking your butt!! And I totally feel like this weekend was fast-forwarded... its so tiring!! School's almost over though right, keep that in mind!

    This is a nice color for summer, it would make a cute pedi!!

  2. I love these bright/jelly colors for the summer! Good luck on your finals.. I am soooo happy that mine are finished !!

  3. @Fiona Thanks for the encouragement! And it does make a nice pedi. ^^

    @Tasha Thanks! Wow already done with finals. Lucky! Enjoy your break :)


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