
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Kreativ Blogger Award

I'm really thankful to know that despite being a fairly new blogger I am recognized by other nail bloggers and have consistent readers.  Thank you to you all!  I truly appreciate each and every follow and comment you leave.  I also already have 84 followers, and it has only been about 1.5 months since I began this blog!  Which means it was only about 1.5 months ago when I jumped around in excitement for having 5 followers. :)  So you know what this means. ;)  I'll be holding a giveaway once I reach 100 followers!  Hopefully this giveaway will also be international. ^^ So that is something to look forward to.

Now on to the award!  I'd first like to thank both Ruxi from Une Ruxi à Paris and Cristina from Opinionated Little Finger for giving me this award.  If you aren't following their blogs, you are missing out!  They have amazing pictures and reviews, so please check them out. :)

And here are my 10 facts about me:
He is concentrating hard on a ball I'm about to throw. ^^
  1. I didn't wear nail polish regularly on my nails until recently!
  2. I have a cute little dog named Max.  He's a cunning four year old Havanese dog who loves treats.  That's him on the side.
  3. I'm Korean-American and was born in Wisconsin, although I wasn't raised there.  I'm Korean by blood, but most people (including asians) don't think I look Korean.
  4. I love reading and writing!  One of my goals is to get a book published, but I also enjoy writing poems.
  5. I can't go up and down the stairs without looking at the steps.
  6. I'm an English major!  I was hesitant to write that because I usually post before editing my writing.  So if you see any mistakes, pretend you don't!  I eventually go back and fix them, but when I write on here I tend to get lost in the polish world.  This might render sloppy writing due to me getting overly excited about whatever polish I'm reviewing. ^^;
  7. Right now I'm pursuing a career in elementary education, but I'd love to set up my own restaurant or bakery one day.  It sounds so fun, and I enjoy both cooking and baking.
  8. I eat my sandwiches and burgers in a circle.  Basically I bite, turn, bite, turn so that all the edges have been bitten.
  9. My boyfriend says the word "nail polish" to me when I'm "mad" at him.  It makes me smile.  I have no logical reason for this.
  10. My favorite Disney movies are Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast.  I want Belle's gigantic library!

Now I'd like to tag:
Imperfectly Painted
Deez Nailz
GiMiKd Girl
Lovin Nailz
Jessica's Nail Art
Mental For Polish
Once Bitten



  1. OMG! All I want right now is to hug your dog!!! He's soo cuute!

    And the 9th item of your list really made me lough! :D :D

  2. thank you for the award ;D

    So cool... you're a half-Korean! Do you know hangul?

  3. @April: Thanks, he is :)

    @Cristina: I want to hug him too :P I'll get to see him soon when I go back home after exams.

    @waveringsunshine: Actually I'm full Korean by blood. :P I'm American because I was born here. And yep, I know hangul. 안녕 ^^


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