
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

If you haven't seen my tweet, I just figured out how to see people's tweets directed at me.  So if I haven't been's because I'm stupid. -_-  I never really got into the whole twitter thing, but wanted to keep up with other nail bloggers real time so that's why I made one recently. -_-  I promise to respond from now on.

So...I was reading through all my @mentions and noticed that I was given the Stylish Blogger Award!  So I'd like to thank Cindy from Nail'd & Polish'd for giving me this award. :)  Don't forget to check out her site.  I enjoy reading her reviews and looking through her swatches, and I'm sure you will too!  Since I did my 10 facts a few days ago, I don't think you want to know that much more about me.  You might find me too weird. :P  So I'll keep this one short and simple.

Here are the rules to the award:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award

7 facts about me:
  1. My favorite color is blue.  It changes sometimes, but I always revert back to blue.  This is also my favorite polish color to wear. :)
  2. I like to skip the last step when going down the stairs.
  3. I hate talking on the phone because my voice sounds really nasally.
  4. I love post-it notes!  Especially ones in pretty colors.
  5. I'm deathly afraid of bugs.
  6. My favorite flowers are peach roses.
  7. I'm very sensitive to any violence, blood, and gore on tv or in films...which basically means it's hard for me to watch anything. -_-

I tagged a lot of people last post and I don't have too many people to tag.  So I'd like to tag the two people who tagged me for the Creativ Blogger Award. :)

Ruxi from Une Ruxi à Paris  and Cristina from Opinionated Little Finger



  1. <3 <3 <3
    Thank you so much for thinking of me! :)You're so sweet!!!
    Hugs hugs hugs!!
    <3 <3 <3

  2. Thanx very very much!! You are a sweetheart!

  3. @Cristina and Ruxi: No problem. You both deserve it. :)


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