
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Top 10 Award

Hey all :)  Cristina of Opinionated Little Finger gave me the Top 10 Award!  Thank you Cristina. :)  If you're not following her blog, I definitely recommend you do!  She's so sweet, and her blog is one of the ones I regularly read.  I just need to type the letter 'o' into my address bar and her site pops up.  Also she has the cutest bunny ever.  How can you say no to bunnies?  So definitely go check it out! :)

This was in my editing box, when I noticed that Kristina of My Lucid Bubble gave me the award as well.  Thank you!  Please go visit her site.  She always has very nice swatches, and she is also doing a giveaway right now.  You can earn extra entries by helping her feed these little cuties with $1 donations. :)

Here are the rules for this award:
1. Thank the person who tagged you and link to their blog.
2. Put the Top 10 Award logo on your blog.
3. List your top 10 cosmetics.
4. Choose 10 bloggers to tag, link to their blogs, and let them know.

I'm not the biggest make-up person, but I've decided to leave nail polish out of this one.  Hehe.  Here's my top 10:

  1. Clinique All About Eyes:  This is my go to eye cream, ever since I got it in one of those Clinique sample packs.  I put this on my lid, outer corner, and under eye a few minutes before going to bed and sometimes in the morning if my eyes are puffy.  By the time I'm ready to head out, my eyes will be de-puffed. :)
  2. Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque:  I love this stuff!  It works well for me and the best part is it's only like $3!  The downside is probably availability.  I think I've only seen it at Walgreens.  It also means your face will be green.  I think it's fun...unless I'm in dorms, then I feel kinda silly walking to the bathroom.
  3. Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue:  I started using this this year and I love it.  It's also a great summer fragrance! :)
  4. Burt's Bees Herbal Blemish stick:  I happen to be allergic to benzoyl peroxide, which is found in many acne treatments.  So I try not to use that stuff unless I'm desperate, like it can't get worse than this desperate.  So I use this blemish stick to zap away forming acne.  Works pretty well for me.  I've had little or just forming acne vanish by the next day.  It does dry my skin out a lot, so I have to moisturize my face just as much.
  5. Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser:  Cleanses and removes makeup without drying my skin out. 
  6. Pink lipstick and chapstick:  I love light pink lipstick, because it makes me look a little tanner since I'm very fair.  It also gives the impression that I'm wearing makeup even if I'm only wearing lipstick.  So it's great for me when I'm pressed for time.  Chapstick is just a must, especially under lipstick, since it dries out my lips.
  7. Clinique Different Lipstick in Tender-heart: Lipstick that doesn't dry out my lips!  Instead it moisturizes.  What's not to love?  Also this color gives me some life without being dramatic.
  8. Eyeliner:  I love eyeliner and can't live without it.  I usually wear black, but for the summer I'm thinking of getting Sephora's Jumbo liner is brown.  (Is it good?)  Right now I'm using L'Oreal Infallible Never Fail Eyeliner, which works pretty well.  I have double eyelids, but one crease is thicker than the other.  So the thicker creased eye never smudges, but the thinner one does.  I've noticed this one doesn't smudge much on that eye, especially with some nude eyeshadow on as a base.
  9. Clinique high lengths mascara:  Has a cool brush that allows you to get the corners and separates your lashes as it coats for a full clean look.
  10. L'oreal Studio Secrets Professional Magic Perfecting Base:  Makes my skin matte and ready for foundation. I only use powder foundation though, because I feel like I'm going to break out like crazy if I use liquid.
Well, that's my ten!  I know, I wrote a lot. o_O  Do you use any of these?  Let me know in the comments! :)

Now I'd like to tag:
  1. Through the Wormhole
  2. Livy Lu Lu
  3. Haute Lacquer
  4. Polish Freshie
  5. Bonjour Beauty
  6. Life and Polish
  7. All You Desire
  8. Love. Varnish, chocolate and more...
  9. Hedonism, Limited
  10. Canadian Nail Fanatic

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!



    1. Thank you for giving me this award! Its such a fun one!

    2. You are soooo sweet to talk so beautifully about me and my blog!! I'm really blushing here and I feel so honoured that such a great person and blogger like you speaks about me like this!!

      And yes, I confirm: one can't say no to a bunny!! :D At least not me LOL P
      Huge hugs, dearest Liz!!!

    3. @Minty: No problem! Hehe I never know if I should address you by your GFC name, name, or blog name.

      @Cristina: Aw I'm not a great blogger. I'm still pretty new to all this. ^^ And your blog deserves it! :)


    Thank you for taking the time to comment! Please do not leave any links or inappropriate comments, as they will be deleted. Otherwise, I appreciate and read every single comment, so please don't be shy! :)