
Thursday, July 28, 2011

China Glaze OMG: GR8 & Friday Blog Share Idea

Here's the first OMG polish I will be showing you.  I have another one swatched, but not the others.  I'll try to swatch them as soon as the sun decides to come out again.

This is the only polish from the OMG collection that is still being sold for retail price.  If you like holo and gold, you might like this one.  GR8 is a warm gold polish with linear holo.  I think I used...3 coats?  That's my default number for coats.  This is from a while ago, as you can see my nails look shorter.  I didn't use top coat since I noticed it dulls the holo, so it does chip faster than other ChG polishes.

Holos tend to be a little tricky to apply.  If you read my tips for applying matte polish, just do the same thing.  If you didn't here are the tips again.

How to apply holo polishes (without special bases like Nfu Oh Aqua Base):
  1. While a bit tricky, the fact that holo polishes apply in thin coats will work in your favor.  Apply polish in one stroke and don't worry about covering the whole nail in the first try.  Don't go over it again or you will create bald spots.
  2. Apply a coat of base, clear, or top coat.  This will keep the bottom color from coming up with your next coat.
  3. Apply the next coat in one stroke covering the rest of the nail.
  4. Repeat step #2 and apply one more coat down the middle if desired. 
  5. Skip top coat if you don't want to dull the holo (depends on polish).

And some more pics of GR8. :)

Lately I've been thinking of a way to do something like a Friday blog round up where I can share other blogs.  Yesterday I was perusing Nailburgerlar, which is so awesome if you love burgers and nails, and came up with an idea.

Okay, don't laugh, but I was thinking of something like Friday Food and Nails (FFAN).  Bloggers and readers can send in pics of their nails holding or posed over their favorite foods, snacks, or drinks throughout the week, and I'll compile it into a post featured on Fridays.  I'll try to participate as well.  (Send your burger pics to Nailburgerlar though! :P)  It can really be anything, like a cup of coffee.  This would also provide a great opportunity to share your nails and your blog.  

What do you think?  Yay or nay?  Let me know in the comments if you would participate.  If I get enough yays, I'll make next Friday our first FFAN post!  Suggestions are welcome as well. :)



  1. I have that np in my untrieds box, looks gorgeous on u!!! I might have to try it, and thank you for the tips on app!!!

  2. Love the pretty shimmer in it <3

  3. Love the holo! I would so get it if I weren't saving up for the other OMG holos. I would participate!

  4. Love this, and as the best fat kid ever, I love the food idea. It combines two of the best things ever, food and nails. :D

  5. You know, I've never tried your method so next time I'm going to give it a whirl! I love that idea of putting a "spacer" between holo layers. It might help me the next time I feel compelled to break into my Gosh Holographic...which I never wear but tend to hoard instead. This is pretty! It's one of the ones I should go ahead and pick up, since it's not so hard to find and add it to my collection.
    And a huge yay from me - I don't eat burgers that often, but I love food! So that would be fun.
    Side note - I JUST noticed your adorable calendar.

  6. This color holo wouldn't look good on me. I like your FFAN idea,and would love to participate.Thanks.

  7. looks pretty cool OMG. and your idea about the ffan sounds fun, I would love to see what your readers send in, because me I'm not so good on nail art.

  8. LOVE IT!! I'm huge holo fan, and as I've already applied your tricks for applying matte polish ;), the day I'll get a true holo in my stash, I'll surely apply them again ;)
    And why not, I'll try to send some pics to Nailburgelar and to you, if you decide to do something like Friday blog round up ;) Can't wait to see that! ;)

  9. I know what you mean! There are so many great colors in the OMG collection. I really wish ChG would put out another great holo collection!

  10. Thanks! I'm going to write up the FFAN entry information post right now. Excited! I hope there are participants! :)

  11. Oh you're lucky to own a Gosh holo! I probably wouldn't wear it a lot either if I had one. Funny how us polish collectors work. :P

  12. Oh you should do it too! It doesn't have to be nail art at all. :)


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