
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday Food and Nails (FFAN) Entry Guidelines *discontinued*

--edit--  Sorry, we are no longer accepting entries!

FFAN is a weekly post featured on Fridays.  During the week, readers can send in pictures of their nails posed with their favorite foods, drinks, or snacks.  If you are a blogger, this is a great opportunity for sharing your blog.   Readers without blogs are also welcome to participate. :)  Here are just a few guidelines.

  1. Please send in a clear picture featuring your nails and a food/drink item you would like to share.  It doesn't have to be nail art, it can just be a color you rocked this week.
  2. Write a short description to go with the picture about both the food and nails.  For example: what the food is, where it's from, and what color(s) you're wearing on your nails.  If it's nail art, you don't have to list all the colors.
  3. If you are a blogger also send in your blog link.  If the nails are specific to a post you did during the week, leave the link to the post instead.  If you do not include your blog link, the submission will not be linked to your blog.  The picture must be exclusive to FFAN, so don't post your food pic on your blog until it has been published in this post.  Also, don't forget to watermark them (your blog name or blog url on the picture).
  4. Title your entries "FFAN-_(insert name or blog name)_"  Send all entries to liquidjelly76 (at) by Thursday 9pm US central time.  Entries after 9 will be featured the next week.  Please only send in one per week, but you can participate every week. :)
All entries will be published unless the picture is:
  • inappropriate to the post
  • too dark or blurry to distinguish what color you are wearing or what the food is.  Both must be clearly visible.  
  • no toe pics please

Have lots of fun doing this!  And don't be shy.  The more entries the better.  Can't wait to see what you guys send in. :)

For examples, check out past FFAN submissions *here*.



  1. tagged you for this award! <3

  2. Thank you! You're too sweet. :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment! Please do not leave any links or inappropriate comments, as they will be deleted. Otherwise, I appreciate and read every single comment, so please don't be shy! :)