
Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Food and Nails (FFAN) #2

TGIF!  Hope you enjoy this week's submissions!  If you would like to be featured in next week's post, you can find more information here: FFAN entry guidelines.  Please don't hesitate to participate!  This post is a great opportunity to share your blog, especially those with new blogs! :)

  "This is my Dragonfruit Vitamin Water with Dr.'s Remedy's Bold Baby Blue. I'm trying to get healthier and whiter! I heard Vitamin C is great for whitening!"

"I am wearing Lynderella's Throwing Water into the Ocean over Royal Navy and I am holding a Funyun! Yum!"


  1. Oh, I misunderstood. I thought we were supposed to paint food on our nails so I did that last week (then couldn't find this blog) :(

  2. Thanks for featuring! I will do it again next week! It's so much fun!

  3. You can if you want to, but your nails don't have to be food related. It can even just be a color you rocked during the week. Just make sure you pose with a food/drink item! Hope you enter this week! :)

  4. Thanks for submitting! I'd love it if you entered again this week. :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment! Please do not leave any links or inappropriate comments, as they will be deleted. Otherwise, I appreciate and read every single comment, so please don't be shy! :)