
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Roses and Pearls

Hey all!  Sorry about the lack of posts these days.  I really thought things would slow down during the second week of school, but I am still as busy as ever. T_T  However, I will try to post more regularly.

Today I have a nail art I did for my back-to-school mani.  For my base I used my franken, Susie's Cup of Tea, and layered a coat of China Glaze Sea Spray over it.  Then I added white dots (pearls) and hand painted the red roses.  This was my first attempt at drawing roses.  I think it's okay, but I could definitely use some more practice.  Once I perfect my method, I will post a tutorial for those who would like one. :)  Also, please be sure to click 'read more' to see more pics of this mani and read my latest updates and reminders. ^^

I know some of you may be getting a bit antsy about when the giveaway winner will be announced.  As of right now, I am still verifying entries so please don't take down your sidebars yet.  Since this weekend I have Monday off for Labor Day, I will be announcing the winner sometime during my three day weekend. :)

I would also like to remind everyone about this Friday's FFAN post!  I only have one entry so far, so please participate this week.  This post is here to help share other blogs (doesn't have to be a nail blog) and provide an avenue for readers to show off their nails.  Please take advantage of this opportunity! ^__^

Thanks for reading!



  1. Ahhhhh I love it!! So cute with the baby blue color! I think you've done a great job! :)

  2. this is gorgeous i love the bright colour of the roses against the pale base :D

  3. WOW!!! perfect design! I love roses, I wanna try them some day! Loving it! Great job girl!:)

  4. Love this! The roses and pearls look great together!

  5. Very classy. Remids me of some vintage bedsheet. :P

  6. Aww so cute <3 I love rose manicures!

  7. Your roses look great! This mani is so pretty :)

  8. That is SO pretty. I know that if I try it, they'll look like blobs and not roses.

  9. Love this!! XOXO

  10. Beautiful roses and beautiful choice of colors <3

  11. The colors and flower, everything about that is so pretty! You rock!


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