
Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday Food and Nails (FFAN) #8

Wow these past few weeks have been busy.  Another exam and paper down, but still so much to do.  T_T Unfortunately, this meant that I haven't been able to advertise FFAN as much these days.  Eek!  So there's only one entry, but it sure is a great one!  Hope you enjoy this one and remember to visit Theodora's blog! :)

The next FFAN post will be published on Friday, October 14th.  If you would like to participate, please refer to this post.

"I´m wearing a Patchwork Mani, my favorite type of manicure :) The food I´m holding in my hand is called a CovriKing. It´s cheese and ham rolled in a delicious batter. I especially love it, when it´s still warm ;) "Petru" makes the best in town, and I have to get me one of those, every time I´m in the city :)"


  1. Awesome design!!!! The bread looks yummy!!!

  2. i love teh patchwork mani! also that covriking sounds absolutely delicous!

  3. Thanks Liz for featuring me here :) Have a great weekend!

  4. That's so cute, and pretty intricate too.

  5. Aw no problem! I was more than happy to feature you. :)

  6. Very cool looking mani! And that bread sandwich thingy sounds delicious!


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