
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Friday Food and Nails (FFAN) #9

It's only 36 minutes past 12am here, so hey.  I say it's Friday.  Anyway, sorry about the lack of updates and late posts. T_T  I am so busy right now, that I'm glad it's finally the weekend.  Even though it will be a busy weekend.  Hopefully I'll get some posts up.  Also unfortunately, I will be discontinuing the FFAN series until summer '12 due to the lack of entries and my busy schedule. So here's the last FFAN post. Enjoy! :)

"I really couldn't decide what I wanted to do for my Halloween nails, so I went with a little bit of everything. I really like how it turned out. The m&m's were pretty unique and tasty too. Click the link for a blog post that corresponds with this mani."


  1. How AWESOME are the candy corn M&M's?! Love them. :)

  2. I will probably bring it back in June. Please participate then! :)

  3. I think the mani is so cute! I love the green one best!

  4. keep forgetting about this :( how long till your summer '12, cause it'll be summer here in a couple months haha cute mani btw!

  5. FFAN is such a good idea. I love her candy corn nails ^_^

  6. MnM! one of my faves keke~


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