
Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I need your opinion!  I usually edit my pictures on my laptop, but it literally wheezes and is about to die.  So these past two days, I've been using the school computer to edit my pictures.  When I went to my blog to look over old pictures, I pretty much did some major face palming.  My pictures looked a little over saturated, making my hands look really red or yellow. :(  I was pretty horrified and was wondering if this is what my readers have been seeing all this time.  The thing is, when I checked my blog from my boyfriend's computer, my pictures looked alright.  So I'm really curious to know what my readers are seeing.  When I edited the pictures from the school computer, they looked a bit blue-toned on my computer, so basically I'm wondering if I should go back and re edit them.

So here's my recent swatch of Bare edited from the school computer.  This picture looks a bit too cool-toned to me.

Here's the same picture re-edited from my computer. It now looks more accurate to me, but does it look too saturated to you? I don't know what is up with these wonky monitor settings. Please let me know which one looks better/ more natural to you.

Thank you!



  1. I think the second one looks better. Beautiful color.

  2. The second one looks better to me, it's slightly warmer toned.
    The pics from your previous post didn't look too red or yellow to me :) .

  3. The second one looks perfect, what program do you use to edit your pictures?

  4. I really can't tell a difference between them. I am on a laptop with a high-end screen, things generally look great on here. I always try to look at my blog from as many different screens as possible. Sometimes it is reassuring, sometimes it's scary! Oh well, there isn't much to do about monitors varying so much.

  5. Maria Elena GollidayFebruary 14, 2012 at 3:27 PM

    they look almost dead on to me, i think everyone's computer will read color a little differently :) Ria

  6. I don't really know about the picture tone but this polish is LOVELY!! :)

  7. I dont see much of a different at all. I know when i'm on my macbook at home and then I look at my blog on my work pc the color of everything looks a little different. Nothing extreme though.

  8. The pictures look the same to me, even scrolling though older photos they all appear to be the same.

  9. I'm currently using Picnik, but they are closing down in April. However, they opened up their Premium package to everyone for free, so I think it's worth taking advantage of until they close down. ^^

  10. The older photos are a little darker but not by much. I prefer the newer ones. I am viewing on a graphic arts calibrated MAC monitor used for professional work. Nice you worry about what folks are seeing out here...but honestly, many folks have lousy monitors & lucky to have a computer at all these days with the economy. So not all that much you can do to control on your end other than white balance and sat to your liking. This is another really pretty Sinful. Thanks for showing it without nail art. I LOVE seeing just polish vs. a ton of nail art. A mix is good as I know bloggers like to show off art..but I want to see great polishes that are not so covered up with art that I cannot tell what the base shade is in all it's glory if it's a shade I am not familiar with.


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