
Friday, September 28, 2012

Milani Fall Fashion Trends: Glamazon

Polishes used (all Milani):
Silver Dazzle (2 coats)
Jewel Fx in Hot Pink (spots)
Black Swift

Glamazon!  It sounds like glamour + amazon, doesn't it?  So I decided to do an all glitter leopard print mani.  I've never used glitter pieces for leopard spots before, but I think it turned out alright. :)  Oh, and in case you were wondering... one coat of Seche Vite kept this mani glossy.  No top coat eaters here. 

Would you wear an all glitter leopard print mani?  Let me know in the comments! :)

*Polishes used in this post were provided by Milani.
Please view my Disclosure Policy for more info.


  1. It's amazing! What a great idea to use glitters for the spots :) I love it a lot!

  2. You think this turned out "alright"?? This is light years beyond "alright", it's freaking amazing with a side of awesomesauce!!

  3. This is awesome, I love how you used the glitter in the leopard print, so clever!

  4. I had to blow this picture up to see how you positioned the glitter as spots! This is tres cool!

  5. This is totally cute!!

  6. Haha, thank you, Stacy! I'm so glad you loved it! :D

  7. Thank you! I really wanted to do pink spots, but since it didn't have a creme polish, I decided to use the glitter. ^^

  8. I don't think I'd personally wear a glitter leopard mani, but I can say that I adore this on you!


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