
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Models Own Purple Blue

Like it's name, Purple Blue contains duochrome shimmer flecks that shift from blue to purple and pink.  At extreme angles you can even see some orange.  I think this was 3 coats. 

I got mine at Urban Outfitters on sale for $5 (retail $10).  If you can't find it there, you can also purchase Models Own polishes from

P.S.) My internet access is still limited, so I'm posting this from the library again. T__T  Unfortunately, I have to run home now, so sorry this post isn't as detailed.  If you have any questions, just ask in the comments!  Also the UO sale for Models Own polish might still be going on if you're interested in this shade.



  1. I have this polish myself, and I must admit I have been indecisive about it. Your pics make it look really great though :)

  2. Thanks. I had no idea Models Own was sold at Urban Outfitters.

  3. You're one of the best beauty bloggers I adore. By the way, cool galaxy nails. I want that nail polish too :) I followed your blog, I hope you can follow back

  4. They do! I was surprised myself, but they have very limited colors. I was happy to see at least three of the Beetle Juice colors there. :)

  5. Purple Blue is gorgeous! How was the formula on this? I have Balearic Cool by Models Own and the formula isn't the greatest. Thanks for the swatches!


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