
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Nude Pink & Black Triangles

 OPI You Callin' Me a Lyre?
Milani Black Swift

No macro shots for this one.  It's not as neat as I want it to be.  It didn't bother me in real life, but I really did not like how any of the pics came out. 

I also had the hardest time keeping myself from globbing glitter or flakies onto this.  In the end, I was able to keep it sleek and simple, but my fingers were itching to add something to it. 

Does anyone else have this problem?  Please tell me you do.  I don't want to be weird.  Haha.



  1. So glad you did not put glitter on this - it's perfect the way it is.

  2. I love how subtle and edgy this is!

  3. Pretty! How many coats do get "Are You Calling Me a Lyre?" opaque? So many swatches of the NYC Ballet shades are runny with VNL...

  4. I love it, but I'm the same way, hahaha. I just blogged about it a few days ago... & my mani wound up so thick with glitter, I literally was able to peel it off! D-:

  5. Thanks, Allison! I think it took me 3 medium coats. It never really become completely opaque though, since it's meant to be sheer. I usually do 3 medium or 4 thin. It does dry pretty quickly and evenly. Applying it with the brush parallel to the nail (so that it doesn't scrape the nail) will help speed up the process. ^^

  6. Haha yes. Glitters are so fun, it's hard not to go crazy with them. x) Sibyl, what's the name of your blog? I want to read it! Haha. :)


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