
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Current Affairs v.02

Book: Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
Nails: Skinfood BR610 Rich Mocha
Show: How I Met Your Mother Season 8 (finally caught up!)

Quick post today!  I started Catch-22 last weekend, but haven't gotten very far.  Hopefully, I'll be able to finish it over the weekend.  On my nails I'm wearing Rich Mocha, which is like a metallic brown/bronze.  Isn't it prettyIt kind of matches the book... :P

Until tomorrow!



  1. Nice shade - I like it and typically I don't like things that even sort of look a little frosty....been there done that for a huge part of my life was the only finish that anyone under say the age of 30 wore. I read Catch-22 when it came out. Good read - enjoy!

  2. beautiful nails *_* your blog is very good and interesting. maybe follow?im glad if you visit my blog, too <3 keep in touch!


  3. Thanks! And I'm the enjoying the book very much!


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