
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

FFAN Is Coming Back!

FFAN (short for Friday Food and Nails) was a corner I did back in 2011 to introduce other blogs and share reader manis.  I had to discontinue it later in the year due to school work, but I'm bringing it back for 2013!  I got to know a lot of great bloggers through this, so I hope you'll all participate. :)

Here are some of the past submissions from 2011.  (Read individual posts here).

If you'd like to join in on the fun, please read the FFAN submission guidelines for further instruction.  The first FFAN post will go up next Friday on 1/25! :)



  1. Food and polish are two of my favorite things so I'm in =)

  2. Yay! Can't wait to see what you send in. :)

  3. Yyyyay!! I have been waiting for this to come back! You will be getting pictures from me! =P


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