
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Unboxing Julep Maven IT GIRL (March 2013)

Hey all!  I was super excited to see my Maven box in the mail today.  I skipped last month, so it felt like I hadn't gotten one in a long time.  Isn't this box so cute?  I'm a sucker for spring colors, so I love both the packaging and the pretty cards.  This month I got It Girl since I wasn't into the new hand cream.

This month's bonus item is a small lip balm.  Actually, there's a good amount in there and it smells so good.  I can't really smell the mint, but it smells super strawberry.  I had to resist taking a bite out of it because I'm sure it doesn't taste as good as it smells.

And here are the polishes!  The three I got (from left to right) are Shenae, Simone, Teri.  I thought they were all going to be cremes, but Shenae and Simone has shimmer.  I like it!  Can't wait to try these out. :)

Look!  'Swatch me' stickers!  Julep recently added these to the tops of their caps.  I love this because all of my Juleps are indistinguishable in the Helmer.  It's so annoying having to pull each one up until I find the color I'm looking for.  So these labels are perfect!

If you're new to Julep Maven and would like to join, you can use code FREEBOX to try out your first box for free.  Shipping is free as well.

If you're already a Maven, did you get your box?  Comment down below on what you got!  I'd love to know. :)

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1 comment:

  1. What a lovely box, cheers to Julep for adding those swatching pads to their caps, I do have my drawers full of undistinguishable black caps but this might be a diy project for a rainy weekend ;-)


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