
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Current Affairs v.04

Books (L to R): Looking for Alaska (John Green) / This Side of Paradise (F. Scott Fitzgerald) / The Descendants (Kaui Hart Hemmings)
Nails: Zoya Beatrix

Hey all!  Hope you all had a good weekend. :)  I should be back to normal posting this week!  I thought I'd start off with a quick post today.  I've read three books since my last Current Affairs post.  I meant to take a picture with my nails but my hands kept coming out red.  I think it's because of The Descendants book.  Anyway, here's a look at Beatrix (pr sample) in my light box.  It looks much better in the sun though, so I'll do a proper review soon with sunlight swatches. :)

Until tomorrow~


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