
Saturday, July 2, 2011

100 Follower Giveaway Winner!

Thank you everyone for entering and supporting this blog!  I really enjoyed reading everyone's lovely comments and getting to know more people through this.  There were a total of 209 entrants and 460 entries after validating them!  I used to pick the winner, and the winner is...

I have emailed Giovanna and she has 36 hours to respond.  If there is no response I will draw a second winner via  Congrats Giovanna!  Don't worry if you didn't win this one.  I am already planning another giveaway!  Possibly for a 500 follower?  ;)  We shall see.

I have lots and lots of great stuff to show you this month!  I am currently waiting for 7 nail packages and two of them contain holo yummy goodness.  :)

Oh and a reader asked me about how to comment using 'Name/URL' and 'Anonymous' as a comment alternative.  I have enabled that option now for those who cannot comment using the other forms of ID.  That's it for now!

Hope you are all enjoying the holidays/weekend!



  1. Congrats, Giovanna, you lucky duck and thanks, Liz, for the chance! :)

  2. yay! congrats and congrats to you Liz!

  3. congrats to giovanna! haha you can see my name right below hers! well, such is luck :)

  4. Congratulation to the winner! I'm still a little jealous :) But just a little :P


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