
Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!

Or just happy Monday. :)

Here are my 4th of July nails.  Sorry, I actually don't do clean up with my nails, but this one definitely needed it!  I was in a hurry to catch the sun before it set, so it also came out a little...messy. >_<  Kind of embarrassed to post these, but I don't have time to redo them.  Oh and if you haven't noticed, I cut my nails!  A lot.  They're actually still long, but they look like little nubs!  I realized I was not blessed with long nail beds.  Hehe.  Anyway, hope you're all enjoying the (holi)days! :)

I also got three nail packages on Saturday!  Two of them were giveaway wins, and the other you'll find out sometime this month. ;)

Zoya Phoebe from Jessenia Isabel!  She owns a great blog where she does makeup and polish reviews.  Her latest post is on a MAC eye primer.  So be sure to visit her! :)

$OPI nail pads, China Glaze GR8, MAC Studded (matte), Golden Rose Care + Strong Red Glitter, OPI Simply Smash-ing
These were sent to me by Aly from Aly Loves Lacquer!  I already used the red glitter for my Fourth of July mani. :)  Aly does lovely close up swatches and nail art.  Her latest post is a Fourth of July water marble!  Be sure to drop by her blog as well. :)

I can't wait to try these lovelies out!  Which would you like me try first? 



  1. I think you have one of the best Fourth of July mani I've seen. I should've held a contest! So many designs to choose from! :D

    I'd love to see OPI Simply Snash-ing on your nails next!

  2. This is so cute! I also think your nails look better this length. They kinda scare me when they're super long! lol

  3. I think your short nails look amazing and so pretty!

  4. Happy 4th of July!!!
    And what a beautiful mani to celebrate that!!!
    The blue is ChG First Mate? :)

  5. This is awesome, I love it! Happy 4th~

  6. Wow I love this 4th of july look!! So much going on and its all done so well! Hope you enjoyed your day:)

  7. So cute! Your lines are still super straight for being rushed.

  8. What a lucky girl on the giveaway wins! Beautiful mani =)

  9. Thanks everyone! :)

    @Cristina: Yep! I love that blue. :)

  10. I am so glad you like the prize!


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