
Monday, September 5, 2011

Picture Polish Giveaway Winner

Finally the winner has been chosen!  My bf wanted to pick the winner this time, so after verifying all the entries I told him the number of entries I had, and he chose a number from there.  In total, I had 211 entrants and 509 entries!  How my bf chose the winner was by flipping coins to divide the entries.  For example, heads meant the upper half of total entries, and so on until he got a final number.  He took it pretty seriously. :P

And we have a winner!  Congratulations, Terry!  I have already emailed Terry informing her that she is the winner.  If there is no response within 36 hours, I will draw a new winner.

Thank you everyone for participating in the giveaway and leaving such encouraging comments!  I really enjoyed reading them and am thankful for your support. :)



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