
Sunday, January 22, 2012

No nail polish for a month?

So I just saw the 'This or That' question for today on Temptalia.  The question was: would you rather buy no make up for a month or wear no make up for a month?  This was a no brainer for me.  I would buy no make up for a month, since I don't buy much to begin with.  But this made me think of something I do buy often.

So my question is...

would you rather buy no nail polish for a month or wear no nail polish for a month?

I would rather...

If you're wondering what my answer is, it's wear no nail polish.  No buys are hard!  And I'm always afraid I'm going to miss out on something good. :P

What would you rather do?  Take the poll and tell me why in the comments! :) 



  1. I completely agree with you, I'd rather not wear polish, I see soo many pretty colours and am, like you, always worried i'll miss out on something and then it'll become harder to find than unicorn pee loll ! I might not be abel to wear it on my nails but I'd swatch the hell out of it on a nail wheel ; ) hehe !

  2. I voted for the no buy !
    Well first, I can't stand the feeling of naked nails. They seem so weak to me when I have nothing on! I could go with a clear base coat to avoid that feeling, but painting my nails is a hobby that I love to forget the stress of my job, so it would be very hard to spend one full month without doing it :)

  3. Though question! It's hard for me too, to go on a no buy, because I think I miss out on pretty nail polishes....I probably would tell my mom to buy me the polishes :D:D But not to wear polish for a month?!? no way! :D I voted no buy, cause painting my nails is so relaxing and just a part of who I am :)

  4. Ahahahah, look at the votes! I voted the most voted too! Rather no buy than no wear, sorry! :P It is really hard not to buy for a month but not wear for a month is more critical!!!! They would start to think I don't like them! :) But yes, One of my new years resolution was not to buy nail polish until I'm employed again... this will be a quest, for sure!

  5. Neither do I wear much makeup nor buy it, so answering Temptalia's question would have been a bit weird...

    But onto your question:
    I'd rather buy no polish for a month.
    It's not that hard for me because I think I have most of the colours I need, too much of some, and the ones I want to add to that are very specific.

    On the other hand, I might need to go without polish for a month - my nails start to crack in winter, and it's even more pronounced when I wear polish, of course.
    I have so many ideas I want to try (and so many polishes to use up :P ), but what can you do.

  6. Right now where my habits/mind set is, my choice is same as yours Liz. I would hate to miss something that comes and is goners...esp if it was one I have looked for a long time for and had a chance to land for swap or just comes up at a really great price. I often don't wear polish on my fingers for a couple weeks. I don't want to sound like I am bragging, but my nails look great naked and buffed. I use those weeks with no polish to enjoy the fact that I don't have yellow nails I need to cover up. Also, taking rests from polish is a key for my nail problems to keeping them growing well and not getting thin/pealing. But my piggies are always covered with some fun polish, unless it's a night I cleaned off the old before bed, really cleaning up my toes so I can have them completely dry to lay down the next polish job.

    However I have gone through periods where I don't buy any polish for months on end, knowing I have too much. But now having been turned on to all the great info of nail blogs, it feeds me to go net shopping! Makes it harder for me to hit one of those periods I used to when I did not buy new polish. Like they say, despite the recession, polish sales are up. It's a little treat most of us can afford to brighten up a week! I am going to be more choosy this year however, and also not buy dupes of tons of shades like I did the past 2 yrs.

  7. Mine would definitely be not to buy it for a month. While no buys are hard, I can always hoard after it's done, lol. But I can't go without wearing polish, no way!!

  8. Oh, hard question here... I think I can't do neither!!! So I can't answer to your poll :)

  9. I hardly ever buy makeup, and I probably haven't WORN makeup in months as it is, so I could do both there... but nail polish is another story...

    I'd have to say I'd go on a no buy for a month, because 1. my nails don't feel nearly as strong without paint on them 2. I have more than enough polishes to keep me occupied for that month, and 3. it'd be good for my finances to quit buying for a month. Plus, at the end of the month if there is one that I've been thinking about the whole time, I could justify buying it after the month is over :o)

  10. I'd rather not buy because I have everything I "need" and I could spend the month going through untrieds! =D

  11. I'd rather not buy for a month. I'm okay with buying polishes unless I see gorgeous ones in store or if they are on sale, but buying them is never a necessity for me; wearing polish IS. I just love looking at my hands and seeing gorgeous colour on my nails. I'm just fussy like that. But at least if I don't buy for a month, I'll have saved money for when my no-buy ends and then I can go crazy!

  12. I'd rather not buy so I could wear all my unused and save money.

  13. Exactly... No buys are harder (to me) than not to wear polish... But not everyone thinks that way, I see...

  14. oh it buy hands down for me! Wear no polish ha ha!

  15. The longest I've gone without wearing any polish is 3 weeks, and that is because I had problems, and was a bit stressed out, and no time to do them. But I can't imagine doing that again soon. So that's why I chose buy no polish.

  16. Definitely buy no polish for a month. As much as that would hurt, not wearing polish for a month would result in the utter destruction of my nails. :D

  17. I can wear none for a month if it means giving a rest too my nails and letting the old nails grow out :P. But consciously not buying nail polish? That would be torture, there are so many colors I want to get :P


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