
Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday Food and Nails (FFAN) #8

Wow these past few weeks have been busy.  Another exam and paper down, but still so much to do.  T_T Unfortunately, this meant that I haven't been able to advertise FFAN as much these days.  Eek!  So there's only one entry, but it sure is a great one!  Hope you enjoy this one and remember to visit Theodora's blog! :)

The next FFAN post will be published on Friday, October 14th.  If you would like to participate, please refer to this post.

"I´m wearing a Patchwork Mani, my favorite type of manicure :) The food I´m holding in my hand is called a CovriKing. It´s cheese and ham rolled in a delicious batter. I especially love it, when it´s still warm ;) "Petru" makes the best in town, and I have to get me one of those, every time I´m in the city :)"

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rivka Holographic: Jenny

Today I'm reviewing one of the four Rivka polishes I got in my swap with Sarah of Them Pretty Colors.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

NOTD: Like Unicorn Pee

Hey all!  Today I have an NOTD for you. :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Great things are coming to this blog

Hey there!  I've been busy with exams and such this week that I haven't been able to post.  I also went home last week and brought back a lot more of my polish with me.  I couldn't bring them all, but I'm pretty happy for now.  The bad thing is I no longer have the program I used to edit my pics with on my computer anymore.  My computer was lagging pretty badly, so I erased everything from my computer after backing it up.  Unfortunately, I left the cd at home. ><  So that also explains the lack of posts lately.  I'm now just using an online editing site.

So that's my excuse, and now I'll tell you what polishes you can look forward to seeing in the upcoming days.  So far I have a whole bunch of pictures I haven't edited yet waiting to be shared.  For swatching, I have the rest of China Glaze's summer collection, as well as two polishes from the fall collection.  And some exciting things came in the mail this week!

Okay, I'll give you a second to take this all in.  ^_~  I've been waiting for these since before school started, so I was super excited to get them all this week!

A big thanks goes out to Cathy for going through all the trouble of sending these!  Above are the three pots of color changing pigments I bought from More Nail Polish.  She's been sweet enough to buy these pigments in bulk and share them with us.  And these were definitely worth every penny!  The polish in the Sally Hansen bottle is a franken I made using the red green pigment.  I'll go into more detail when I show you my swatches, but if you're interested in buying them click here. :)

Rivka Holographic polishes all the way from Brazil!  A huge thanks to Sarah for doing this swap with me!  Sarah runs a lovely nail and make up blog called Them Pretty Colors.  Her nail posts seriously make me drool, so I highly recommend checking out her blog.

Sarah also asked me if I wanted any flakie polishes, so I got these two.  How cute are those bottles?

Are you excited???  I can't wait to swatch all of these.  Duo/multichromes, holos, and flakies!  T_T *tears of joy*

I will return with drool worthy pics.  TGIF! :)


Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Food and Nail (FFAN) #7

Happy Friday!  It's finally here and so is FFAN. :)  Great entries this week!  I made the pics big this time since there were only two entries. :P  Be sure to visit these lovely bloggers. :)  I also realize people are getting busier now, so I've decided to do FFAN posts every other week from now on.  If you'd like to enter, you know the drill. ;) Click here.

"Big Breakfast platter from Mickey D's! I was wearing Sally Hansen Nail Prisms in Golden Tourmaline."
 "I was wearing OPI Gargantuan Green Grape when I grabbed one of my favorite snacks, apples! As soon as I started washing it I had to take a photo. This green apple looked so perfect and went along with my nails I couldn't resist!"

Thursday, September 15, 2011

OPI Pros & Bronze

Hey all~

Hope everyone's weeks are going well.  Today I have one of the polishes from the last Serena Williams duo set.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Urban Outfitters Smush & Lace Nail Accent

I don't know why but there's something nostalgic about this picture.  I know I'm weird.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Urban Outfitters Dust

Polish no.2 from Urban Outfitters.  Does it remind you of another polish?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday Food and Nails (FFAN) #6

TGIF! :)  How pretty are this week's entries?  Check out these talented bloggers by clicking their pics!  If you'd like to participate in next week's FFAN post, you can find more information on how to enter by clicking here: FFAN entry guidelines.

"On the picture i'm holding Dark Chocolate Mints from Trader Joe's. I tried to simulate nice contrast of mint and dark brown on the packaging with the Knockout Liberty that has plastic finish and OPI You Don't Know Jacques Suede."
"For this manicure I'm wearing wet&wild tickled pink and I'm holding my favorite cookie they are called lofthouse cookies and they sell them at the grocery store, they are so yummy!"
"My latest food craze is trail mix WITH fruit :) I'm wearing Colour Club's Who Are You Wearing? with freehand acrylic painted flowers and konad over it. I love it!!!"

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Born Pretty Hello Kitty Nail Stickers

It's almost Friday. :)  I thought I'd do a quick post reviewing the Hello Kitty nail stickers I used for my mani featured in last Friday's FFAN post.

This was my first time using nail stickers, so I'm not sure how they compare to others.  I found these really cute and easy to use.  They peeled off the clear backing well and were relatively easy to place on the nail.  All the stickers laid close to the nail except the Hello Kitty one.  I had some problems with the whiskers sticking up, but it may have been me since I didn't press the edges down all the way.  I used one coat of Seche Vite to keep the stickers all in place.  I had these on for 2 days.  I'm sure they would have lasted longer, but I rarely keep a look for more than a day or two. -_-

You can buy these Hello Kitty & Chanel Logo Nail Sticker at Born Pretty for $2.88 per sheet.  Each sheet contains a good amount of stickers in a variety of shapes: Hello Kitty, bows, and two types of hearts.  All the stickers have a green/pink iridescent shimmer to them.  As indicated by the link above, Born Pretty also sells Chanel Logo nail stickers. ^^

Also there's still a couple more hours left if you would like to participate in tomorrow's FFAN post!  You can find more info on that *here*.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Milani Limited Edition Blue Lightening

Hey all!  Take a look at this gorgeous polish I have to share with you today. :)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Picture Polish Giveaway Winner

Finally the winner has been chosen!  My bf wanted to pick the winner this time, so after verifying all the entries I told him the number of entries I had, and he chose a number from there.  In total, I had 211 entrants and 509 entries!  How my bf chose the winner was by flipping coins to divide the entries.  For example, heads meant the upper half of total entries, and so on until he got a final number.  He took it pretty seriously. :P

And we have a winner!  Congratulations, Terry!  I have already emailed Terry informing her that she is the winner.  If there is no response within 36 hours, I will draw a new winner.

Thank you everyone for participating in the giveaway and leaving such encouraging comments!  I really enjoyed reading them and am thankful for your support. :)


Sunday, September 4, 2011

NOTD: Super Bright Mani

It may be the end of summer, but it's been around 100 degrees lately!  I think it's finally cooling down starting today.  Here's a bright mani I did to say goodbye to summer. :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday Food and Nails (FFAN) #5

Mmm~ the entries this week are so sweet!  It makes me hungry. :P  I hope you guys enjoy this post as much as I did.  I was really glad to see the blogs I love participate this week.  Definitely check out all these blogs by clicking on the blog names!  If you'd like participate in next week's FFAN post, you can find more information on how to join in on the fun by clicking here: FFAN entry guidelines.

"Silk Pure Almond Milk (vanilla flavored) is very delicious. The polish I'm wearing is Wet n Wild Megalast 2% Milk. Ironically, the almond milk is very similar in color to the polish. I usually don't like sheer polish like this but this stands out to me. I'd definitely purchase both of these items again."

"My nails are simple, just William Tell Me About OPI.  They are with some really yummy 'Hurricane' chocolate cake.  I got my hands a bit messy when I was taking the pictures :)  I ate this during the Hurricane and it was delish!  Moist and chocolatey...yum."

 "I'm wearing Dior Trafalgar and holding my current addiction, a chocolate Glico Giant Cone. It's Japanese packaged ice cream cone; cone or cup, I'd always choose cone, and I love that this one comes pre-made so I can dive right in! It doesn't hurt that there's ice cream all the way down the cone. :D"

"Something simple today, glitter bolts :) I've used Colour Club's Worth the Risque, Art Club in Black and loose glitter. I'm holding my uni snack - Uglies cookies!"

"I am wearing Love & Beauty Nail Polish in Mauve. I am eating my favorite Chelsea candy. It is a kind of Japanese candy and there are three different flavors in that bag!"

"This is an NOTD.  I've been wanting to do a cutesy mani so I finally pulled out my Hello Kitty nail stickers from Born Pretty.  The colors I'm wearing are Essie Splash of Grenadine and China Glaze For Audrey topped with Milani Jewel Fx in Gold.  In my hand, I'm holding unsweetened Gold Peak Tea which I love. :P"