
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday Food and Nails (FFAN) Entry Guidelines *discontinued*

--edit--  Sorry, we are no longer accepting entries!

FFAN is a weekly post featured on Fridays.  During the week, readers can send in pictures of their nails posed with their favorite foods, drinks, or snacks.  If you are a blogger, this is a great opportunity for sharing your blog.   Readers without blogs are also welcome to participate. :)  Here are just a few guidelines.

  1. Please send in a clear picture featuring your nails and a food/drink item you would like to share.  It doesn't have to be nail art, it can just be a color you rocked this week.
  2. Write a short description to go with the picture about both the food and nails.  For example: what the food is, where it's from, and what color(s) you're wearing on your nails.  If it's nail art, you don't have to list all the colors.
  3. If you are a blogger also send in your blog link.  If the nails are specific to a post you did during the week, leave the link to the post instead.  If you do not include your blog link, the submission will not be linked to your blog.  The picture must be exclusive to FFAN, so don't post your food pic on your blog until it has been published in this post.  Also, don't forget to watermark them (your blog name or blog url on the picture).
  4. Title your entries "FFAN-_(insert name or blog name)_"  Send all entries to liquidjelly76 (at) by Thursday 9pm US central time.  Entries after 9 will be featured the next week.  Please only send in one per week, but you can participate every week. :)
All entries will be published unless the picture is:
  • inappropriate to the post
  • too dark or blurry to distinguish what color you are wearing or what the food is.  Both must be clearly visible.  
  • no toe pics please

Have lots of fun doing this!  And don't be shy.  The more entries the better.  Can't wait to see what you guys send in. :)

For examples, check out past FFAN submissions *here*.


Nicotine from a silver screen

Looking at these nails makes me think of the song Silver Screen by Felix Da Housecat.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

China Glaze OMG: GR8 & Friday Blog Share Idea

Here's the first OMG polish I will be showing you.  I have another one swatched, but not the others.  I'll try to swatch them as soon as the sun decides to come out again.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pink Wednesday: China Glaze 108 Degrees

There's no wonder why this shade is called 108 Degrees.  It's hot hot!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Picture Polish Blog Fest: Goldfinger

Hey all!

I've been waiting for this day since June, so I'm super excited to share my shade with you for piCture pOlish's Blog Fest.  Today over 60 bloggers from around the world are featuring a Picture Polish shade on their blogs.  The shade I was sent to review is Goldfinger.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Reswatch: Revlon Not So Blueberry

I felt like wearing this a few days ago, so I re-swatched it then.  For my full review you can read this earlier post:  Revlon Not So Blueberry Review.

Revlon Not So Blueberry

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pink Wednesday: Captivated &Tiger's Blood

I guess they're not exactly pink, but coral's close enough... right?  Cult Nails Captivated and Icing Tiger's Blood.  Can you tell them apart?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Guest nails: Zoya Charla

My little sis Angela has been wanting me to post her nails for some time now.  A few months back her cuticles were really ragged, so I told her to leave them alone so they can heal.  Now they're much better!  Just a little bit of care goes a long way. :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Awards, awards, and more awards

Lately I haven't been getting emails notifications for my Disqus comments, so I was all confused until it just occurred to me that they might be getting sent to spam!  I fished those out of there and found a lovely award email as well. :)  I've been putting off doing the awards post for a while now, so there's going to be a couple.  Just a warning.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Deborah Lippmann: Get This Party Started Swatches

My first Deborah Lippmanns, and I'm so in love with this set!  Muchas gracias to the bf for getting these for me! <3

Black: Forget You  // Pink: Candy Shop

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Harry Potter Nails Take 2

Much more pleased with these.  Not really a fan of having pictures on my nails.  What can I say?  I'm just more of a simple mani type of girl. ^^

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Reader Request: Harry Potter Nails

Hey all,

If you've read the books or have been following the movies, I'm sure you will know that Harry Potter is premiering this week around the world.  In the US it's on the 15th.  I haven't really been keeping up with the movies, so I reread the ending of the seventh book (and got teary at Snape's tale again) to refresh my memory.

This one is for The Fashionista who requested Harry Potter nails with the Deathly Hallows symbol or the Slytherin Snake.  Naturally, I did both.  I only have white nail art polish that comes with a thin brush, so I did my best.  I hope you like them, or take away something from them at least. ^^;; I'm not satisfied with these, but I promised to have them up by the 13th so here they are.

This is an example of too many ideas, too little time.  Instead of doing a full mani, I pretty much did an idea per nail, or you can think of it as a showcase of 3 difference accent nails.  So pick and choose?  Or mix and match?  The pinky was just...uninspired. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Orly Space Cadet: A Gorgeous Multichrome

Unfortunately there's no Monday theme post from me today.  I didn't do it yesterday so I was planning on doing it this the morning and posting it then, but there was a bit of a storm during the early hours.  As a result, I was left without electricity all day until it finally came back on after 5pm.  So I've decided to just post a swatch I did yesterday instead.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Essie Skittles

Sort of.  I swatched these yesterday after swatching $OPI Caught With My Khakis Down.  That day was just not a great swatching day.  Originally I started out with Essie Turquoise and Caicos on all my nails, but as you can see there is now only one on the middle nail.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

$OPI: Caught With My Khakis Down

Today I have Sephora by OPI's Caught With My Khakis Down. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Zoya Phoebe (& Tips for Applying Matte Polish)

Hey all!

Here's a swatch of Zoya Phoebe I did a few days ago.  4 coats.

Nail Goodies!

Whew, I'm pooped today as well.  I was out all day with the bf for a belated bday celebration.  As promised, here are all the nail goodies I received for my bday from family & the bf. ^^  There's also a few things I picked up to treat myself as well. :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

2NE1 MV Inspired Birthday Mani

Hey all!

Today (well technically yesterday now 7/6) was my bday, so I thought I'd drop in to show you my bday mani. :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

OPI: Simply Smash-ing

Trixie of Nailfiled wanted to see Simply Smash-ing from my latest nail packages.  So here it is!

China Glaze: SeƱorita Bonita

Ah~ I swatched this one wayyyyy back when I got it.  For some reason that day I had a hard time swatching it.  I kept getting bubbles or nicking it somewhere, so I gave up.  I reswatched it a few days ago and didn't have any problems with bubbles, so it was definitely not the formula.  Here it is! 3 coats.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!

Or just happy Monday. :)

Here are my 4th of July nails.  Sorry, I actually don't do clean up with my nails, but this one definitely needed it!  I was in a hurry to catch the sun before it set, so it also came out a little...messy. >_<  Kind of embarrassed to post these, but I don't have time to redo them.  Oh and if you haven't noticed, I cut my nails!  A lot.  They're actually still long, but they look like little nubs!  I realized I was not blessed with long nail beds.  Hehe.  Anyway, hope you're all enjoying the (holi)days! :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

100 Follower Giveaway Winner!

Thank you everyone for entering and supporting this blog!  I really enjoyed reading everyone's lovely comments and getting to know more people through this.  There were a total of 209 entrants and 460 entries after validating them!  I used to pick the winner, and the winner is...

I have emailed Giovanna and she has 36 hours to respond.  If there is no response I will draw a second winner via  Congrats Giovanna!  Don't worry if you didn't win this one.  I am already planning another giveaway!  Possibly for a 500 follower?  ;)  We shall see.

I have lots and lots of great stuff to show you this month!  I am currently waiting for 7 nail packages and two of them contain holo yummy goodness.  :)

Oh and a reader asked me about how to comment using 'Name/URL' and 'Anonymous' as a comment alternative.  I have enabled that option now for those who cannot comment using the other forms of ID.  That's it for now!

Hope you are all enjoying the holidays/weekend!
