
Monday, January 30, 2012's CG Prismatic Giveaway!

Lately, I don't really enter or post giveaways on here, but this one was too good to pass up!  You also get to see bottle shots of 3 of the China Glaze Prismatic shades and OMG they look amazing.  I was really only thinking of grabbing the three shown in the picture, but now I'm thinking of getting them all.  Wow! o_o  I hope these are as duochrome as they seem!

image from is giving away the three beauties shown above, so be sure to enter her giveaway!  I know I'm definitely getting these whether I win the giveaway or not.  I'll probably get back up bottles for these three!

Are you as excited about these as I am?!


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Zoya Yara

I love the contrast between Yara and the red bricks.  This is 2 coats of delicious smoky olive green and gold shimmer flecks.  Yum!  Enough said.  Click 'read more' to see more pics. :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Sinful Colors Cinderella Update

Hey guys!

There has been so much interest in the Cinderella shade, so I thought I'd post an update.  I've been getting some comments from readers saying that they were unable to find Cinderella in the Heartbreaker display.  So I am assuming that Cinderella is not part of the Heartbreaker collection.  The reason I thought it was, was because I found mine in that display.  However, there was only one.  I did search the whole make up section to see if there was another display, but couldn't find one.  It wasn't in the main display either.  So I do not know where this polish came from. o_o

Currently the Sinful Colors website is down, and when I tried emailing them via the email on their site I got a return email saying the address was invalid. So...then I contacted one of the PRs who sent me the Sinful Colors Holiday collection, but I just got a simple response back saying that they are probably at Walgreens.  In the end, I really didn't get any information I didn't already  know. :(  So sorry, guys!  I tried my best, but I don't know how else I can get in touch with SC. :/  Do you guys know if SC's FB page is maintained by SC?  I wasn't sure if it was maintained by a fan or a PR.

As of right now, the best thing we can do is sit tight and hope we'll either get more news on this color soon or see it join the main display.

I found mine at Walgreens, but for those of you who did find Cinderella, could you please leave a comment noting which store you bought it from and maybe the general location/display you found it in.  Hopefully this will help those of you trying to hunt it down. :)


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sinful Colors Heartbreaker Collection & Cinderella Swatches

Hey guys!  Have you seen the new Sinful Colors Heartbreaker collection around?  I've been googling the collection as well as the shades I picked up, but none could be found. :(  There are repromotes in this collection, but I think the ones I picked up are new.  I'm not sure, so if you know, tell me! :)

Here are the ones I got from the Heartbreaker display.

***edit update: Cinderella can now be found in the main display with its own slot.  You can find my review for SC Bare here and SC Tutu here.

**edit:  Cinderella is not part of the Heartbreaker collection, although mine was found in that display.  I only found one though and couldn't find any more in either the main display or in a separate display.

From left to right: Bare, Tutu, Cinderella.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

No nail polish for a month?

So I just saw the 'This or That' question for today on Temptalia.  The question was: would you rather buy no make up for a month or wear no make up for a month?  This was a no brainer for me.  I would buy no make up for a month, since I don't buy much to begin with.  But this made me think of something I do buy often.

So my question is...

would you rather buy no nail polish for a month or wear no nail polish for a month?

I would rather...

If you're wondering what my answer is, it's wear no nail polish.  No buys are hard!  And I'm always afraid I'm going to miss out on something good. :P

What would you rather do?  Take the poll and tell me why in the comments! :) 


Monday, January 16, 2012

Orly Androgynie

Orly Androgynie, 1 coat layered over a black base.  Androgynie is a black jelly with glitters that shift cyan-blue and blue-green-orange.  There are also fine holographic glitter and gold flecks of shimmer.

I can't believe I was going to pass on this polish.  A lot of bloggers have mentioned that Androgynie isn't as promising on the nail as the bottle suggests.  While this is true, it is possible to make this polish work with a few simple steps.  Read on to see more!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

SinfulColors Wish Collection

Here's the SinfulColors Holiday 2011 Wish collection!  I'm not sure if all of these are new colors, since I know for sure that Last Chance and Daddy's Girl aren't new.  There are also two nail art lacquers in this collection, which I'll show you another time.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Orly Au Champagne

3 coats, satin matte.  I think Polishaholic said this too, but this color reminds me of the Misa Wishes Spring 2011 collection.  It's dries semi matte, so I'm wearing top coat in all of these to make it shiny.  This is a really nice pearly white and a palette cleanser for me.  Click 'read more' to see more pics! 

Friday, January 6, 2012

Everything about this mani feels so right

Am I the only one that feels this way?  I can't get enough of how this looks.  It seems so perfect for now.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mmm...I love this stuff!

Let me introduce you to Lemony Flutter, cuticle butter.  Doesn't it just sound great?  My sis got this for me over the holidays and I love it to pieces.

Lemony Flutter can be found in that great smelling store, Lush.  It's $14.95 for a 1.5oz tub, which is expensive!  But, it's not as small as I thought it would be.  As you can see it's roughly the size of my palm.  Please note, however, that my hand is on the small side.  But I still think it's a decent amount, especially since I'll be using it solely on my cuticles. 

I've also noticed that you only need a small amount for all 10 cuticles as it is very creamy.  I've used it a couple times now, and it still looks like it did when it was brand new.  So I'm guessing this will last me at least a year.  It's also does a good job of keeping my cuticles moisturized.  I haven't had dry cuticles since I've used this and I don't use it on a daily basis either.  I use it more like once a week, or after removing glitter, since I use the foil method.

As you've probably guessed, it does have a lemony scent.  I don't think it's particularly strong, but it does linger for a bit.  I don't mind though, since I like the smell.  Lush also uses a lot of natural ingredients like avocados, beeswax, and you guessed it, lemons.  You can read more about this product here.

If you haven't tried it before, I suggest checking it out in stores.  There should be a sample tub in store you can try.  I believe you can also ask for a sample size to try back at home.

Let me know in the comments if you've used this before, and what you thought of it!  If you haven't, is this a product you would buy?


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

OPI Nicki Minaj Collection Swatches Part 1

I recently got some polishes from OPI's Nicki Minaj collection and I'm super excited to show you them all.  I basically got everything but the bubblegum pink and the chartreuse/lime since I don't really care for those.  Today I have for you Fly and Save Me. :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

I just wanted to drop in and wish everyone a happy new year! :)  It's been great meeting everyone through this blog.  I hope you all have a wonderful day and cheers to another great year! :)

A couple memorable manis from the past year. :)
Clockwise, starting from the upper left picture.

NOTD: Like Unicorn Pee
Deborah Lippmann: Get This Party Started Swatches
More pictures of the look pictured above
Technicolor Nails & Tutorial
